Resources for Palestinians, Muslims, Arabs, and allies

Following the attack by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, the ongoing events in Gaza and Israel continue to fill me with solidarity, grief, hurt, and rage. After the Israeli government dropped bombs that devastated hospitals and evacuation routes; cut off water, electricity, and communication services; and blocked efforts from humanitarian orgs to aid – there has been a collective outcry against the ongoing genocide on Palestenian citizens. The grief continues to be palpable as people from all backgrounds plead for a ceasefire. 

I believe, as a mental health therapist committed to the liberation of all peoples, I must speak out against this cruel genocide and make my support known for any and all oppressed peoples. Full stop.

With that being said, there are countless people being impacted by these events and I would like to link resources to folx in need of support and information. I commit my support to any current and potential clients impacted by these events. Additionally, the following resources have been gathered by the awesome folx at MAPS Austin (Muslim Association for Psychological Services), Melody Li from, and other countless activists around the nation offering their services. 


Authenticity Policing


The Silent Killer of the Bedroom