Relationship Therapy for Individuals

What is Relationship Therapy for Individuals?

Relationship therapy for individuals is meant for adults who are struggling with connection in their current relationships. This can be family, friends, significant others, dating partners, in-laws, etc. As human beings, we are hardwired for connection, but no one gives us a guidebook on how to do relationships. This therapy can help you learn how to feel more connected and secure and overall improve your relationships.

Who is this kind of therapy meant for?

If you’ve struggled with communicating your emotions, being open with how you feel/think, and knowing what you want in relationships—this is the therapy for you. If you are sure of what you want, but unsure how to say it or deal with the conflict that comes with it—this is the therapy for you. Here are some common issues related to people who struggle in relationships and would be addressed in this kind of therapy:

  • Relationship conflict (family, friends, partners, etc.)

  • Cultural differences

  • Shame / Vulnerability

  • Social anxiety / isolation

  • Perfectionism, or “not feeling good enough”

  • Sex-related issues

  • Trauma

  • Self-esteem / Image

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Identity

  • LGBTQIA+ issues (coming out, identity, etc.)

  • Attachment issues

How can this kind of therapy help?

  • Improve communication skills

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Understanding Patterns

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Building Empathy

  • Setting Boundaries

  • Stress Management

Ready for change?