Couples Therapy

  • “Things haven’t been the same between us since the baby. I feel like we’ve lost sight of who we are since having kids.”

  • “We fight—about who does what and how things should be and sometimes it feels like the same fight and we don’t get anywhere.”

  • “Sex is not what it used to be, and I don’t know how to begin to change that.”

  • “We’re thinking about having a baby but we want to make sure our relationship is solid before we do.”

If this sounds familiar to you, you may have felt the impact of family planning or parenting on your relationship. These are big life changes that have lasting impact on our relationships.

Questions about Couples Therapy

  • At Belonging Counseling, couples therapy is a nonjudgemental, supportive space where partners can work through challenges together. With the help of a relationship expert, you can improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen your bond. We specialize working with folks who are planning for kids or already parents.

  • We’ll start off with a few assessment sessions to gather information on your relationship, family, and individual history to get a big picture view on your life. With that information, you will collaborate with your therapist to create a treatment plan that identifies issues and goals in your relationship to feel more connected and secure in your relationship.

  • We will use EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) and the Gottman Method--two of the most researched and empirically validated approaches in couples therapy. Through this work, we aim to increase intimacy and strengthen connections.

  • Sex therapy is a form of therapy in which couples can talk about and work through sexual concerns. Whether it's issues with desire, performance, or intimacy--a sex therapist helps improve sexual health and strengthen your bond. This can be especially helpful after the impact of parenting and kids as sex is one of the biggest impact of disconnection between partners.

  • Sex and intimacy issues

  • Attachment style differences

  • Postpartum issues

  • Emotional disconnection

  • Parenting

  • Conflict

  • Trust and communication

Common issues for couples in family planning / parenting:

  • Gender roles

  • Division of labor issues

  • Family / in-laws issues

  • Changes in identity after kids

  • Life goals / dreams

  • Conflicting values

  • Cultural differences

Ready for change?